Hello friends and family,
I hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to Thanksgiving with family and friends. This is my Mom's year to have Thanksgiving at her house. Everyone will be there except for Mike, Vanessa and the girls. I really wish that they could be here as well. It is hard when family is far away, I miss them and wish that could be with all of us!
I held my friend and neighbor's baby little Anna today. I teared up holding her and thinking about how much love little ones provide to each of us. She was happy listening to me talk baby talk to her and smiled at just about everything. I love little Anna so much, Amber is like a sister to me. I am so blessed to have such great friends! Once again, I am so thankful for where I live, I have the best friends and neighbors here.
This month I have been writing one thing everyday that I am thankful for. I really should do this every day of the year. I am so blessed and thankful to the Savior for everything He has done for me. I know he hears me and answers my prayers.
Over the past couple of weeks I have had such an interesting chain of events happen. They have been very hurtful and somewhat difficult to understand. I wanted to run away from all of it because I hate drama, however, that is just not what my Heavenly Father wants me to do. Instead I was given wise counsel to "love more" With that counsel and other promptings my feet are firmly planted no matter how hard the winds blow as I work with someone I care for very much through a storm that has had many twists and turns is the past two weeks. I am thankful for the leaders of our church, for their examples and advice. I know I could not be strong enough on my own without them and a loving Savior. As President Hinckley stated "It is now time to get busy and get to work!" Wish me luck!
I also have been sweetly reminded of the love that surrounds all of us during our lives. In good times and in bad we are given each other, our families and friends to walk with us along the road less traveled. ( Thanks Scott Peck for the book!)
I think about the atoning sacrifice that the Savior bore for each one of us. It brings tears to my eyes and heart to think about the great drops of blood He bore for me. There are no words to express my love for Him.
I have felt so much love as I have struggled to regain my health again. I have turned a corner and then this week took a few steps back. When I was walking out of the hospital I was near tears and when I go into my car I simply ask why is this still happening to me. At that very moment in the hospital parking lot my heart was filled with such love and peace. I know that I am supposed to learn something from all of this. (I sure hope I learn quickly) I am at peace knowing that I have a warm and cozy home to live in, people who love me and friends that are there whenever I need them. It is really is all about love in this life and I am so thankful for every second I am here to learn.
I am thankful for this time of year. I love the seasons and am excited for the snow! I hope you have a great weekend and let's talk soon!
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