"The Prayer"

Hello friends and family,

I am beyond humbled tonight for the grace and the knowledge that our prayers are answered by a loving Heavenly Father.  I am so thankful for the blessings of the temple and how close the veil truly is.  I have been searching for an answer for months, I actually have been searching for many answers, but this particular one has been on my mind since the end of July.  I have prayed, fasted, prayed, cried, prayed some more, became frustrated at bumps in the road, and wondered why? on several occasions.

Today I have an answer, it is not how I thought it would come, or what I planned on it being.  It is better!  It will be harder and I am sure more bumps in the road our on their way.  But I know what direction I will take.  Will it be easy?  I don't think so.... Will I know exactly what to say or do?  I don't think so.... I do know that my Father in Heaven is with me on this journey.  That family members are with me on this journey, some here on earth and some in heaven. 

I posted the song "The Prayer" each word is very fitting.  I am thankful for the power of prayer and for the answers that wait until we are ready for them. 

The experience I have had is far to sacred to share, but I know He lives, He listens and He loves us!  I am certain of that!! 

As November comes to a close, I want to thank all of you for your prayers and support that you have so lovingly given me during the past couple of years.  The struggles are still there ,but are getting better everyday.  I am thankful for each of you.  I hope that one day I can repay the kindness shown to me by all of you.

Happy Holidays
Let's talk soon!


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