Today has been a very humbling day for me. I am so grateful for the many examples in my life and for the gifts that I am so blessed to have. I am thankful for everything I learn from you, my friends and for all of your love and support.
I was reading this talk given by President Monsen in conference (I am not sure of the year) but it very touching and I wanted to share part of it with you....
"Genuine gratitude was expressed by the writer of a letter received some time ago at Church headquarters. No return address was shown, no name, but the postmark was from Portland, Oregon:
“To the Office of the First Presidency:
“Salt Lake City showed me Christian hospitality once during my wandering years.
“On a cross-country journey by bus to California, I stepped down in the terminal in Salt Lake City, sick and trembling from aggravated loss of sleep caused by a lack of necessary medication. In my headlong flight from a bad situation in Boston, I had completely forgotten my supply.
“In the Temple Square Hotel restaurant, I sat dejectedly. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a couple approach my table. ‘Are you all right, young man?’ the woman asked. I raised up, crying and a bit shaken, related my story and the predicament I was in then. They listened carefully and patiently to my nearly incoherent ramblings, and then they took charge. They spoke with the restaurant manager, then told me I could have all I wanted to eat there for five days. They took me next door to the hotel desk and got me a room for five days. Then they drove me to a clinic and saw that I was provided with the medications I needed—truly my basic lifeline to sanity and comfort.
“While I was recuperating and building my strength, I made it a point to attend the daily Tabernacle organ recitals. The celestial voicing of that instrument from the faintest intonation to the mighty full organ is the most sublime sonority of my acquaintance. I have acquired albums and tapes of the Tabernacle organ and the choir which I can rely upon any time to soothe and buttress a sagging spirit.
“On my last day at the hotel, before I resumed my journey, I turned in my key; and there was a message for me from that couple: ‘Repay us by showing gentle kindness to some other troubled soul along your road.’ That was my habit, but I determined to be more keenly on the lookout for someone who needed a lift in life.
“I wish you well. I don’t know if these are indeed the ‘latter days’ spoken of in the scriptures, but I do know that two members of your church were saints to me in my desperate hours of need. I just thought you might like to know.”What an example of caring compassion."
I am so touched at this story for many reasons. I personally have had a tough couple of years, without my family, the church and good friends I am certain I would not be here. I believe very strongly that the Lord places us in each others lives for a reason. I am so thankful for everything I continue to learn daily.
I just finished reading "A Stolen Life" by Jaycee Dugard. She was the little girl kidnapped in Lake Tahoe when she was in the fifth grade. She was not found until she was 29. During this time she experienced and lived a nightmare I cannot express in words. I cried when I thought of all those years she was alone, having horrible and unspeakable things done to her. She had two children with the rapist who took her. Yet she never gave up. She always held out hope that she would see her Mom again and would be free. She lived in a backyard, in a tent and among horrible circumstances and she never ever gave up. I admire her for moving forward and for wanting to give back to other victims of abuse.
I remember when I was up in the hospital several years ago, on the wall there was a quote from Winston Chruchill that states "Never, Never,Never,Never,Never Give up! No matter where in our in our lives we can make it. Through the humility and gratitude of our Savior and others we can endure and learn from our trials.
In a very real way, the Master speaks to us: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him.” Let us listen for His knock. Let us open the door of our hearts, that He—the living example of true compassion—may enter,
Let's talk soon!
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